If you have questions about working with me, you may find the answer here.

The work I do is usually on a project or monthly retainer basis. You can find out more about these by visiting my services page.

Nope, the work we agree that you’d like CherryAid Marketing to do, will be done by me. But if we feel we need some photography or a website to be built for example, then I would look to one of my trusted network to help you. I’m happy to help manage this too, but you would be dealing directly with them on these projects.

When it comes to marketing your business, you will always need to have some input. We’ll have regular meetings and catch ups, but I’ll try to keep those to a minimum as I know your time is precious. 

Many of my clients like that I become an extension to their team and we speak very regularly to discuss activities and any information that I may need.

It depends what you need. Some clients like a regular weekly catch up, some prefer a monthly one. Meetings tend to be online unless you’re nearby, in which case it’s a good excuse for a cup of tea and a slice of cake!

Yes absolutely, this forms part of the strategy when we first start working together. It’ll also be regularly reviewed to see if we’re hitting your goals.

In a couple of ways – firstly if the client is happy then that’s a great start!

But secondly, we’ll agree and set some goals, so that we can monitor how successful the marketing we’re doing is.