Marketing not working? Three tips to rejuvenate your marketing

Are you stuck in a rut, scratching your head, and thinking, “My marketing’s not working”? Trust me, you’re not alone. We’ve all been there. But fear not, here are three tips to help you breathe new life into your marketing efforts.

Marketing not working?

When you say your marketing’s not working, you’re probably referring to the fact that people aren’t engaging in your social media posts or clicking through in your email marketing…and ultimately they’re not buying your products or services. And it’s really common to want to just give up. But please don’t. Make a few changes to your approach to marketing and you’ll soon be on a winning strategy, and that all important business growth.

Three tips to give your marketing a refresh

Here are my top three tips to get you fired up and raring to get your business out there through your marketing.

1. Define your goals

Be clear on what you want to achieve through your marketing.

The first step in fixing your “marketing not working” woes is to take a good look at your goals. What are you trying to achieve? Is it about boosting your turnover by a specific percentage or a certain amount? Break it down into manageable chunks. Maybe you want to attract more customers or grow your business with your existing ones. Getting clear on your goals will make your marketing mission much more focused and achievable.

Goals make up part of a marketing strategy. If you’d like to know how a marketing strategy works towards business growth, take a read of this blog.

2. Craft your key messages

So, you know what you want to achieve. Great! Now, let’s talk about your key messages. It’s not just about shouting, “Buy this, it’s amazing!” Your audience needs to know how you can help them. What information do they need to make that purchase decision? Share the story of your company, your product, or your service. Build that know, like, and trust factor by showing who you are and what you stand for. People love doing business with companies they feel connected to.

3. Consistency is Key

Be consistent in the marketing that you do.

Now that you have your goals and key messages sorted, it’s all about consistency. No matter which marketing tactic you choose—social media, email marketing, content on your website, videos, or something else—consistency is your best friend. Keep showing up regularly. Your audience will get used to seeing you, recognising your brand, and hearing your voice. That familiarity builds trust and loyalty.

Make your marketing work for your business

So, there you go, my three actionable tips to refresh and revive your marketing. Set those clear goals, craft compelling messages, and stay consistent. In time things will turn around and your business is about to shine brighter than ever before!


  • Gill Bishop

    Gill is a marketing strategist who, for over 20 years, has worked in small businesses in a variety of sectors. She’s passionate about helping business owners get organised, so that they can be visible in the right place, enabling them to build relationships with their clients and customers. What this means is that the marketing they do is less overwhelming, worthwhile, and gets results.

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